BOld for Maritime Startups
The experts on deep technology
Services for maritime startups

“Blue Ocean Leading Drivers (Bold)” is a mentorship and investment-driven open innovation company focused on hi-tech maritime industries and maritime startups. We are business-oriented. We are looking for escalable, revenue-generating, internationally focused, technology-based startups with innovative solutions and/or disruptive business models. We are also looking for companies in a high stage that still need support for growth and/or entry in new markets.
We are specialised in Industry 4.0 early-stage startups involved in big data, cyber-security, cyber-physical systems, collaborative robotics, marine energy, autonomous vehicles, Internet of Things, clean energy, environmental solutions, etc.

If you are a maritime startup and need help with some are of your business: marketing, funding, project analysis, communication, management, hiring… let us know. We’re here to help, and we’ll provide a custom solution for you.
Please fill in this survey so we know a bit more about your Startup and we have a better idea about how to help you.